CRect rcClientOld; // 久客户区RECT CRect rcClientNew; // 加入TOOLBAR后的CLIENT RECT GetClientRect(rcClientOld); // // Called to reposition and resize control bars in the client area of a window // The reposQuery FLAG does not really traw the Toolbar. It only does the calculations. // And puts the new ClientRect values in rcClientNew so we can do the rest of the Math. //重新计算RECT大小 RepositionBars(AFX_IDW_CONTROLBAR_FIRST,AFX_IDW_CONTROLBAR_LAST,0,reposQuery,rcClientNew);
// All of the Child Windows (Controls) now need to be moved so the Tollbar does not cover them up. //所有的子窗口将被移动,以免被TOOLBAR覆盖 // Offest to move all child controls after adding Tollbar //计算移动的距离 CPoint ptOffset(rcClientNew.left-rcClientOld.left,;