垂直分割策略利于多个数据库分担访问压力,当用户要求增加新功能时,MySpace将投入新的数据库予以支持它。账户到达2百万后,MySpace还从存储设备与数据库服务器直接交互的方式切换到SAN(Storage Area Network,存储区域网络)——用高带宽、专门设计的网络将大量磁盘存储设备连接在一起,而数据库连接到SAN。这项措施极大提升了系统性能、正常运行时间和可靠性,Benedetto说。
最终,MySpace开始大规模迁移到ASP.NET。即便剩余的少部分 ColdFusion代码,也从Cold-Fusion服务器搬到了ASP.NET,因为他们得到了BlueDragon.NET(乔治亚州阿尔法利塔 New Atlanta Communications公司的产品,它能将ColdFusion代码自动重新编译到Microsoft平台)的帮助。
2005年中期,服务账户数达到2千6百万时,MySpace切换到了还处于beta测试的SQL Server 2005。转换何太急?主流看法是2005版支持64位处理器。但Benedetto说,"这不是主要原因,尽管这也很重要;主要还是因为我们对内存的渴求。"支持64位的数据库可以管理更多内存。
更多内存就意味着更高的性能和更大的容量。原来运行32位版本的SQL Server服务器,能同时使用的内存最多只有4G。切换到64位,就好像加粗了输水管的直径。升级到SQL Server 2005和64位Windows Server 2003后,MySpace每台服务器配备了32G内存,后于2006年再次将配置标准提升到64G。
MySpace has managed to scale its Web site infrastructure to meet booming demand by using a mix of time-proven and leading-edge information technologies. APPLICATION PRODUCT SUPPLIER Web application technology Microsoft Internet Information Services, .NET Framework Microsoft Server operating system Windows 2003 Microsoft Programming language and environment Applications written in C# for ASP.NET Microsoft Programming language and environment Site originally launched on Adobe's ColdFusion; remaining ColdFusion code runs under New Atlanta's BlueDragon.NET product. Adobe, New Atlanta Database SQL Server 2005 Microsoft Storage area network 3PAR Utility Storage 3PARdata Internet application acceleration NetScaler Citrix Systems Server hardware Standardized on HP 585 (see below) Hewlett-Packard Ad server software DART Enterprise DoubleClick Search and keyword advertising Google search Google Standard database server configuration consists of Hewlett-Packard HP 585 servers with 4 AMD Opteron dual-core, 64-bit processors with 64 gigabytes of memory (recently upgraded from 32). The operating system is Windows 2003, Service Pack 1; the database software is Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Service Pack 1. There's a 10-gigabit-per-second Ethernet network card, plus two host bus adapters for storage area network communications. The infrastructure for the core user profiles application includes 65 of these database servers with a total capacity of more than 2 terabytes of memory, 520 processors and 130 gigabytes of network throughput. Source: MySpace.com user conference presentations